Website Manager

       Vernon Hills Soccer Club

Refund Policy

VHSC refunds for player registrations may be granted for only the following two reasons:


1. Player Injury: Upon receipt of a doctor's note indicating the timing and severity of the injury, VHSC may choose to refund part of the Player's VHSC Registration Fee (pending VHSC Board approval).  The severity of the injury must keep the Player unavailable for at least 50% of the games in a given season, and the refund amount will be prorated.  If the Player is injured during the year (August through June), the Player may be entitled to 1) a refund of 100% of registration fees (minus a $100.00 service charge) if the Player has not competed in any games (tournament games included), 2) a refund of 75% of registration fees if the Player has competed in four or less games, or 3) a refund of 50% of registration fees if the Player has competed in five to eight games.  If the player competed in more than eight games, there will not be a refund.  "Competed" is defined as the Player is on a team when games are played prior to the injury.


2. Player Relocation: If a Player relocates more than 40 miles from their current residence at time of registration, or if the new residence is deemed an excessive distance from Vernon Hills per VHSC Board approval, VHSC may choose to refund part of the Player's VHSC Registration Fee.  If the Player relocates during the season, the Player may be entitled to 1) a refund of 100% of registration fees (minus a $100.00 service charge) if the Player has not competed in any games (tournament games included), 2) a refund of 75% of registration fees if the Player has competed in four or less games, or 3) a refund of 50% of registration fees if the Player has competed in five to eight games.  If the player competed in more than eight games, there will not be a refund.  "Competed" is defined as the Player is on a team when games are played.

If the Player chooses to quit VHSC at any point after payment is received other than the two refund qualifications listed above, VHSC will not refund any portion of the Registration Fee.  VHSC will also not refund any portion of uniform or other merchandise purchased through VHSC.