Q: What equipment does my child need to play?
A: Team jersey, socks, and medal for participation will be provided by the league. All players are required to have shin guards (must be worn at all practices and games) and a soccer ball. Soccer cleats are not required, but encouraged.
Q: What size soccer ball does my child need?
A: A size three (3) soccer ball is used for the Pre-K, K, and 1st grade divisions. A size four (4) soccer ball is used for the remainder of the divisions.
Q: My child has decided they no longer wish to play, can I get a refund?
A: Yes, as long as the Director, prior to the close of registration, receives notification.
Q: My child has an injury that will not allow him to play, can I get a refund?
A: Refunds due to injury after the close of registration must be requested prior to the start of the season. The decision to refund is at the sole discretion of the Director.